Membership Agreement


AusLottoGroup members understand that they are not only being provided the best way to participate in Lotto but can also take advantage of a medium to advertise and view other member's advertisements within a closed membership. All members understand that all payments are made in arrears of service provided. AusLottoGroup members understand they will receive reports identifying the distribution of lotto wins and weekly summary reports. AusLottoGroup members understand they can cancel their membership at any time.



AusLottoGroup members understand that they commit to protecting other member's privacy, security and what they advertise. They also understand advertisements are moderated to ensure advertisements submitted are of good moral, acceptable and truthful substance. AusLottoGroup members understand not to print and distribute any advertisement that has been posted by another member. These three requirements constitute an obligation of membership. If management of the membership perceives that if any of these privacy requirements have not been met by a member then their membership will be revoked and privacy law authorities will be notified.



AusLottoGroup members understand that by providing their account and contact details they provide irrefutable permission for their account to be accessed to retain their AusLottoGroup membership as financial until they cancel their membership.

All members understand that their nominated bank or credit card statement will have a descriptor of either 'ALG Admin' or 'Australian Lotto Group' both of which are registered businesses of Grenville Henty Silvester with Australian Business Number (ABN) 60805501376. New members are asked to remember these two names so that when they see these descriptors on their card statement they will relate the transaction with the AusLottoGroup membership.

Because all payments are in arrears of service, so members do not pay until the end of the month, it is only fair and reasonable and understood by each AusLottoGroup member that there must be sufficient funds in the nominated account to accommodate withdrawals for the previous month to maintain membership.

The amount owing is shown as the Account Balance at the top of each member's Account Transaction table in their personal AusLottoGroup Member Account.

Lotto wins are NOT credited to a members account where the previous month's membership remains unable to be secured by the ALGMO Administrative System due to 'Insufficient Funds', 'Cancelled' Card or Account, or, declined by the members bank or financial institution.

Members are required to ensure that there are sufficient funds available on the 1st of the month and that account details are maintained and updated in their Member Account.

Given that the membership purchases all Lotto entries in advance and all member payments are in arrears, it is incumbent upon all members to ensure that there is sufficient funds available in their nominated account at the end of the month.

If a member becomes aware that a pending payment from their nominated account is not going to be honoured, it is the member's responsibility to contact the AusLottoGroup Member's Advocate by email, text or phone call in order to make alternative payment arrangements.

In the case where a payment has been unsuccessful without notification and is due to insufficient funds, card or account being cancelled, card not been activated, card lost or stolen or any other reason why funds are unable to be secured by AusLottoGroup, the amount which remains unpaid will show on the member's account as being in arrears.

Penalties will be applied until the funds have been secured.

  1. If an arrears amount has not been secured by the 8th of month, the member's account will be classified as 'suspended' and any wins or referral credits are forfeited until the arrears amount is paid.
  2. After 7 days of non-payment the member will accumulate penalties of $1 per day until payment has been secured. This penalty fee will be applied to the balance at the end of the month.

Once payment of the arrears amount is paid, the suspended classification is lifted, the $1 penalties cease and the membership returns to normal.

An arrears amount can only be cleared by using the 'Pay Arrears Amount' button provided online in the Members Account or by contacting the Member’s Advocate by phone.


Division 1 Validation

AusLottoGroup members understand that the reporting of draw results is automated by the ALGMO Administration System. In the event that the system calculates that a syndicate may have won Division 1 in a given lotto draw, the system will not automatically notify the membership of that syndicate's results. Instead, the Member's Advocate will validate the results with Tatts Group on the first business day immediately following the draw and subsequently contact all AusLottoGroup members to pass on the great news.


Cancellation of Membership

Membership may be cancelled at any time by clicking on the 'Notice to Cancel' button in the AusLottoGroup member account.

Because all payments are in arrears (so payment for the current month is secured at the start of the following month), and the AusLottoGroup membership was created by members to minimise the cost of lotto participation, it is only fair and reasonable for members to give one full month notice of cancellation. The final date of cancellation is therefore deemed to be the end of the next month.

Once notice to cancel is provided the member's account enters into the cancellation phase. Receipt of a cancellation notice is noted on the member's financial statement and the 'Notice to Cancel' button will change to 'Withdraw Notice to Cancel'. If the member changes their mind about cancelling and clicks on the 'Withdraw Notice to Cancel' button at any time during the cancellation phase then the cancellation notice is withdrawn and noted on the member's financial statement and the membership continues as before.

Therefore, when a member provides notice to cancel, the member will keep receiving wins from their allocated syndicate(s) together with any referral credits until the last day of the following month.

Payments are required to be made to AusLottoGroup for the current month and the following month as per normal during the cancellation phase.

Once the final payment has been secured, all of the member's account details, together with any referral credits are erased and access to the AusLottoGroup Member Account is withdrawn.

Individuals can always join again as a new member at any time after cancellation.


About AusLottoGroup

This AusLottoGroup membership is about giving you the best chance of winning Lotto and minimising your cost while you wait for the big one.

By playing Pick and PowerHit entries through the AusLottoGroup membership we guarantee you win more and more often than buying your own games!

On top of that - we are sure you would like to win Lotto without it costing you anything!!!! Members you refer can be paying for your membership every month!

Refer lotto players to this website and ask them to enter your email address as the referee. We pay you $5 a month for every one of your referred members instead of paying some advertising company. It doesn’t take many referrals to pay for your membership! How easy is that?

Syndicate Options
Frequently Asked Questions
Become a Member Now

Recent Results

Monday Lotto
    Draw 4518 (10th March 2025)


Tuesday OzLotto
    Draw 1621 (11th March 2025)


Thursday Powerball
    Draw 1503 (6th March 2025)


Saturday TattsLotto
    Draw 4553 (8th March 2025)


Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    0448 828 254
    +61 448 828 254 (international)
  • Email:
  • Postal Address:
    Contact by phone or email to receive immediate feedback please.